

1986年世界杯是24颗星,因为当时举办国是墨西哥(Mexico) 所以24 颗星星 1930年到1978年是16颗星的版本 因为当时比赛不在阿根廷举行所以没有4颗星.... 现在都是32星的 但是巴西的奖牌数最多,金牌也有12块了可是只有32颗星为什么?

答:因为1950年巴西在主场输给了乌拉圭,所以没有四星,直到今天也没有五星 Brazil won the World Cup in 1958,1962 and 1970 (and hosted it once,in 1950) and have been runners-up five times, so they are on their way to get four stars but not there yet! 法国和意大利都有过两次亚军的成绩可还是没有三星! Italy did reach a second place at World Cups two more times than France; however this only got them three stars instead of four as both those finals were played outside Italy! In particular, Italy reached second place in 1934 and 1938 respectively while hosting the tournament in 1934 and 14 years later winning it again! That's why they can put one star next to each World Cup trophy even though no final was ever held inside Italy! The same goes for France, which lost the 1958 Final playing in Sweden after being the host nation in 1938; the French also finished second in 1982! So far that's enough to earn them three stars although they still don't hold any world cup home final…… If you think about countries with multiple wins such as Brazil or Germany who actually hosted a single edition of the event, these facts make perfect sense! It is simply because of how the system works… And since nobody has figured out an alternative, we will stick to it like it always had to be that way from day one! 也就是说这个制度从创立之初就已经决定了的。。。


1970年世界杯,五星德国 2014年世界杯五星巴西 在欧洲杯决赛中夺冠的时候就已经是五颗星了。 但是!!!在1986年的世界杯上,他可是六战全胜,进14球失3球,场均进球数超过三球并且创造了世界杯单届赛事的净胜场记录。(那时候还有加纳和澳大利亚) 这时候还是两星 然后到了1990年的意大利之夏,五星拜仁一路淘汰巴萨、曼联和国际米兰最终捧起了德甲第九次也是最后一座冠军奖杯。这是历史上第一次有俱乐部以五次或以上的球队在世界杯上夺冠。(这之后,西班牙皇家社会击败巴萨成为第一支赢得世俱杯的西班牙球队,而国际米兰则在2010年和2011年连续两年捧起世俱杯)。 五星闪耀 以上纯属虚构,手动叉掉
