1950年世界杯,巴西和 Uruguay 两队在决赛中相遇时,双方球员发生了争执 (Uruguay players argue with Brazilian referee Oswaldo Fritts during the final match at the 1950 World Cup) 裁判员福蒂在比赛还剩不到十秒钟的时候判给了乌拉圭一个进球,这个球本来没有进去,但当时巴西门将因为身体已经倒下了所以没有反应过来。
随后Fritts 又判给了乌拉圭一个点球(the resulting penalty was scored by Alcides Ghiggian, and made it 2-1 for Uruguay; some sources say that a goal did not count in this case due to an earlier handball offence committed against Uruguay, but there seems to be little or no basis upon which such a rule could have been decided.),而这个点球就是决定冠军的唯一进球! 后来有人采访这位巴西的裁判时说“我永远不会忘记那天下午我流下的眼泪” 而当时乌拉圭的门将说 “我认为他是乌拉圭人,他给了我们胜利” 这就是著名的“一球成王”的故事了~ 所以说呢,在足球运动里,冠军只有一个呀~~~ 所以啊~还是好好踢好每一场球吧~~