

谢邀。 首先,要弄清楚这个问题里“传球”的定义;这个问题的题目是“如何统计”,所以应该从数据入手。



1. 传统的方式:在传统的数据方式中(包括欧洲足球俱乐部的常见统计数据和国际足联的数据报表),所谓的“有效的传球”是指在一次传球过程中至少有1次触球且最后没被对方抢断——在这种定义下,接球队员在队友传球时已经处于越位位置的一次回传被视为一次“无效”的传球。 在这种定义下的传球数一般被称为“tasks performed”(TP)或similarly-shaped terms,中文多翻译为“任务完成次数”(我比较喜欢第一个词)。 TP的优点是能够反映一个球员所做出的行动的次数,缺点是无法区分那些具有进攻和防守意义的不同类型的传球动作——实际上,根据我的观察,大多数传统意义上的“助攻”都不是真正意义上的“传球”,因为在防守方抢断之前这些传球大多没有达到攻击性后场的要求。因此这种方法不能很好地衡量球员的贡献度。

2. FIFPro/IFFHS的方法:FIFA在其发布的 World Rankings 中采用了由世界职业球员联盟(International Federation of Football History & Statistics , IFFHS)制定的“有目的地传球”的概念来定义传球;而FIFPro, the international union which represents over 650,000 professional players worldwide (andwhich is a member organisation along side FIFA in the International Football Association Board) , uses this definition for their own player awards and rankings. The basic principles behind both definitions are as follows: To be counted towards a team’s total, the pass must meet all of the following conditions: The ball must be touched by at least one outfield player either on its path from the goalkeeper to the striker or vice versa. Any part of the hand may touch the ball during this action but it cannot be deliberate contact with an opponent's hand. A goal kick would therefore not count if there were no other defenders around when the ball was put out – such actions could not constitute touching the ball, according to this rule. There should normally be more than one touch before and after the pass is made. If only one touch occurs between the keeper and the last defender then this will still classify as a “defensive” pass, rather than being considered an error or loose ball. This means that an attacking teammate can knock the ball past a defending player who has just knocked it back into play without this counting against them although it makes little difference either way, since they would almost certainly score anyway. However, passes like these are usually done deliberately


我觉得这个题目应该改成, 「如何看待2014年7月3日的阿根廷vs德国决赛中的传球」 为什么这么说呢?因为题主的问题问的有点含糊.... 这届杯赛是传球吗(或者说)怎么统计这届比赛传的球? 我觉得我可能误解了这个问题.... 因为我认为世界杯上的任何一场比赛的进球都是一次很好的进球(当然啦,足球场上是有很多这种单刀的,但是我想说的不是这些) 所以如果我说「本届赛事里梅西传了多少次,传了几米,传进几颗门」的话,那其实没什么问题吧? 但要我说「本届比赛中有哪些球员传了什么球给谁,但没导致进球』这样的统计就没问题了 另外关于一些细节的统计也可以做一做啊 比如梅西这一场比赛有多少次在带球的时候被踢出边线或者触碰到防守队员 而其他的一些小细节可以再想想 但是我还是想说, 这次世界杯上有很多精彩瞬间/镜头,而每一个精彩瞬间的背后都意味着无数次的传球、跑位和思考(当然还有运气) 希望每个球迷都可以珍惜!
