

1967 - The Knights of Columbus (KofC) began sponsoring the football program in its fledgling years.

The team has been quite successful over many decades, winning numerous championships and making it to state finals several times. But they’re best known for their “Cinderella” story as underdogs who won a stunning upset victory on November 8, 2003 against powerhouse Bishop Gorman High School from Las Vegas Nevada at home with an unbelievable final score of 49 – 45! This game was dubbed one of the greatest games ever played by Sports Illustrated magazine which featured our school twice within five years: once when we were recognized after winning State Title #1, and again ten years later upon being voted among the top twenty high school sports films ever made! It remains today perhaps most well know because ESPN aired this classic battle during the college recruiting season last year attracting over two million viewers! That's right-two million! What does that say about CHS Football? We are awesome! And we have become even more so since then adding three additional State Championships(2008, 2012 & 2013)to our trophy case along with countless awards and accolades including six undefeated seasons, four national rankings,and eight regional titles. In addition there are dozens of players who have gone onto play Division I College Football both here in America and abroad. Our success is a result of great coaches , hard work, dedication, sacrifice and most importantly love for one another as we live out the motto of our organization: Charity, Unity and Peace. May God continue to bless us all!

1972 - Construction begins on new field house / gymnasium which would be completed in October, 1995 costing $8 million. During this time period the main stadium also underwent renovation and construction resulting in better seating areas and bleachers costing approximately $400 thousand dollars. At the same time a running track was added around the entire field house/gymnasium area totaling roughly $800,000. Additional improvements include upgraded locker rooms, weight room facilities, athletic offices and concession stands. The total cost of renovations


踢了一年,现在大四了,马上毕业了。 刚开始就是和小伙伴一起玩的吧(我是从高中开始踢的),到后面大二的时候我们学校来了一些其他学校的同学,于是就拉上了他们一起玩,当时就经常和他们混在一起玩,虽然水平不怎么样但是大家都很开心,然后到了大三就加入了球队踢球去了... 其实我技术很烂啊,因为都是业余比赛嘛大家都不怎么认真踢,而且我位置是中场所以也没太多机会去进攻啥的。总之我在场上基本就是瞎跑那种,偶尔会去抢断一下或者传个球之类的,不过我的传球基本都是长传,因为我的脚法比较一般,也总是能踢出让人惊喜的效果呢哈哈哈~ 因为是学经济的关系,我其实对哲学方面有些向往来着,在准备毕业时我还选择了意大利基多天主教大学作为我的目标院校,希望今年可以有个好结果啦~
