西班牙和西班牙语是世界第一,这个无可争议吧; 欧洲俱乐部联赛也是西班牙的西甲联盟排名第一,这个也无可争议吧; 现在还有几个国家有自己独立的足协呢?只有英、意、瑞三个而已,其中瑞典是刚刚独立没几年的。其它国家的足协都是归自己的政府直管的,比如巴黎圣日耳曼(PSG)的足协就是属法国政府的内政部管辖的,皇马和巴萨的足协属于西班牙的王国政府皇家社会部(Real Socialidad)直接管理的。这也就导致了西甲球员基本都是本国国籍或者本国血统,这是其他几大联赛所不具备的特点——当然除了英超有一些苏格兰或威尔士人以外;而其他五大联赛基本上都是外国人扎堆儿的地方,像意甲中意籍意大利人和意裔意大利人都很少了,更不用说德甲里的德意志人与奥地利人了。。。
所以从竞技角度来讲,目前最好的联赛当然是西甲。毕竟球员们至少会说西班牙语嘛~~ 从商业角度来考虑的话,其实现在的情况已经与过去大不相同了,因为西甲球队的经济情况并没有比英超球队好多少甚至略有不如----以2016年到2017财年为例: Real Madrid: €457 million (+3.8% on the previous year) Barcelona: €413 million (+19%) Atletico de Madrid: €169 million (+4.9%) Sevilla FC: €123 million (+2.6%, although lower than in recent years due to a reduction in ticket sales and sponsorship revenues as well as higher player amortization costs) Valencia CF: €122 million (+9%), but this is actually down from €132m last season because of an increase in personnel expenses, which included payments for the purchase of players. Malaga: €85 million, up nearly 20%, but still below their peak in financial terms during the 2013/14 season when they finished fourth in La Liga (€102m according to their accounts at the time) Manchester United: £500 million, with profits of over £112 million Arsenal:£375million,profitofalmost £60million,withrevenueuparound2%fromlastyear Chelsea: £ 299 million (a fall of almost 4 percent compared to the previous campaign) Tottenham: £ 130 million, profit of around £6 million